Sunday, December 31, 2006

NT 2007 Challenge

Recently a few friends and I were talking after the Luke class about doing a survey reading of Scripture. One of my goals for 2007 is to read through the New Testament between New Year's and Easter. If anyone would like to accompany me, here is the schdule I am going to attempt to follow:

  • Jan 1: Mark 1-3
  • Jan 2: Mark 4-5
  • Jan 3: Mark 6-7
  • Jan 4: Mark 8-9
  • Jan 5: Mark 10-11
  • Jan 6: Mark 12-13
  • Jan 7: Mark 14
  • Jan 8: Mark 15-16
  • Jan 9: Romans 1-2
  • Jan 10: Romans 3-5
  • Jan 11: Romans 6-8
  • Jan 12: Romans 9-11
  • Jan 13: Romans 12-16
  • Jan 14: Matt. 1-3
  • Jan 15: Matt. 4-5
  • Jan 16: Matt. 6-8
  • Jan 17: Matt. 9-10
  • Jan 18: Matt. 11-12
  • Jan 19: Matt 13-14
  • Jan 20: Matt. 15-17
  • Jan 21: Matt. 18-20
  • Jan 22: Matt. 21-22
  • Jan 23: Matt. 23-24
  • Jan 24: Matt. 25-26
  • Jan 25: Matt. 27-28
  • Jan 26: 1 Cor. 1-3
  • Jan 27: 1 Cor. 4-6
  • Jan 28: 1 Cor. 7-9
  • Jan 29: 1 Cor. 10-12
  • Jan 30: 1 Cor. 13-14
  • Jan 31: 1 Cor. 15-16

  • Feb 1: John 1-2
  • Feb 2: John 3-4
  • Feb 3: John 5-6
  • Feb 4: John 7-8
  • Feb 5: John 9-10
  • Feb 6: John 11-12
  • Feb 7: John 13-15
  • Feb 8: John 16-18
  • Feb 9: John 19-21
  • Feb 10: 2 Cor. 1-3
  • Feb 11: 2 Cor. 4-6
  • Feb 12: 2 Cor. 7-10
  • Feb 13: 2 Cor. 11-13
  • Feb 14: Luke 1
  • Feb 15: Luke 2-3
  • Feb 16: Luke 4-5
  • Feb 17: Luke 6-7
  • Feb 18: Luke 8-9
  • Feb 19: Luke 10-11
  • Feb 20: Luke 12-13
  • Feb 21: Luke 14-15
  • Feb 22: Luke 16-17
  • Feb 23: Luke 18-19
  • Feb 24: Luke 20-21
  • Feb 25: Luke 22
  • Feb 26: Luke 23-24
  • Feb 27: Acts 1-2
  • Feb 28: Acts 3-4

  • Mar 1: Acts 5-6
  • Mar 2: Acts 7-8
  • Mar 3: Acts 9-10
  • Mar 4: Acts 11-12
  • Mar 5: Acts 13-14
  • Mar 6: Acts 15-16
  • Mar 7: Acts 17-18
  • Mar 8: Acts 19-20
  • Mar 9: Acts 21-22
  • Mar 10: Acts 23-24
  • Mar 11: Acts 25-26
  • Mar 12: Acts 27-28
  • Mar 13: Gal. 1-3
  • Mar 14: Gal. 4-6
  • Mar 15: Eph. 1-3
  • Mar 16: Eph. 4-6
  • Mar 17: Phil. 1-2
  • Mar 18: Phil. 3-4
  • Mar 19: Col. 1-2
  • Mar 20: Col. 3-4
  • Mar 21: 1 Thess.
  • Mar 22: 2 Thess.
  • Mar 23: 1 Tim. 1-3
  • Mar 24: 1 Tim. 4-6
  • Mar 25: 2 Tim. 1-2
  • Mar 26: 2 Tim. 3-4
  • Mar 27: Titus & Philemon
  • Mar 28: Heb. 1-3
  • Mar 29: Heb. 4-6
  • Mar 30: Heb. 7-10
  • Mar 31: Heb. 11-13

  • Apr 1: James
  • Apr 2: 1 Peter
  • Apr 3: 2 Peter
  • Apr 4: 1 John
  • Apr 5: 2 John, 3 John & Jude
  • Apr 6: Rev 1-7
  • Apr 7: Rev 8-16
  • Apr 8: Rev 17-22


Anonymous said...

Good luck keeping up with your ambitious schedule, sir!

(I guess this leaves you no time for your "Worship Me!" book ;) )

Anonymous said...

If you or anyone else is interested, I do a read through the Bible in a year (this is going to be the fourth year I've done this particular plan) which breaks it up into four sections each week: OT, NT, Psalms (you read through Psalms twice) and Proverbs. It's pretty good. If you're interested, I can email the file.

Anonymous said...

Can't you make a new topic, Steve? I'm tired of seeing this thing on your blog. It's rather uninteresting.