Wednesday, November 19, 2008

There Will Be Blood

So I had a new experience today. After work, Becky and I donated blood at the American Red Cross. She is a blood drive veteran, but it was a first for me.

It felt good to do my small part to help someone in desperate need. Besides, I figure if Jesus shed his blood for me, the least I can do is share a pint of mine.

Check out the Red Cross and sign up to donate today!


Paula said...

OMG! I so cannot do that! My office even gives us free days off if we donate blood. (Our owner's wife is a Red Cross Director in Charlotte.) I just cannot do it. I almost died during the IV insertion of the tonsillectomy I had last summer. No one is taking my blood. I'll do anything else charitable but I can't do that. My veins are too small.

Jeff the Baptist said...

I wish we had a similar program, but we don't. The Army seems to have its own internal blood drives among the troops to meet their blood needs so civilian stiffs like me aren't required.

BeckyP said...

A girl was donating that night who had her veins collapse. She wasn't doing too well. Definitely a little scary to see. But, drink plenty of fluid before you go and you should be fine!

Anonymous said...

Way to go!!! Thanks for saving a life!