Saturday, June 20, 2009

When Is It Okay To Change Charities?

So I've had this sort of nagging dilemma in the back of my mind for awhile. What do you do when the charities you have been giving to for years are no longer at the core of the causes you are most passionate about? Nothing has materially changed in these ministries that makes them less worthy of support. Rather, it is being exposed to new needs and opportunities and changing interests that is driving the potential change. And, for the moment let's assume the constraint that additional amounts of new giving are not feasible, and let's also assume that all of the charities currently being given to are in need of more not less support. Do you make the change at all? If so, do you completely switch or hedge your bets and go half and half?

And, for the sake of discussion, let's add that "just pray about it" is not an acceptable answer to this post.


Mei-Ling said...

Charities fill many needs: Physical and spiritual both. Both impacts can be life-changing.

Which charity uses the largest percentage toward the charity itself rather than administrative costs? Which charity impacts more lives? Which one has a more life-changing effect, or life-saving? Does the intervention of the charity mean the difference between life and death, or just dependency and self-sufficiency? Will your contribution help free someone from addiction?

Do you know people, who have you met people impacted by either charity?

Can you give time instead of money, if money is the limiting factor?

OR can you do something to raise money for the organizations so that neither receive less than the year prior?

I've participated in Alex's Lemonade stand two Saturdays ago, and six quarts of lemonade on a hot afternoon raised more money than I would have thought possible.

Brenda raised money for her friend, Charity, a couple years back to help defray medical expenses.

What do you think?

David Hynes said...

Charity is a personal decision, not an obligation. Give to what you feel is important. Guilt never helped anyone.

Quebecca said...

Go with your heart. God gave you dreams and passions for a reason. A donation is not simply about the money - it's also a means of you supporting a cause.

And remember you're not giving to an organization, but to Christ as you care for those on the fringes of society.

Tim said...

After you read "The Road to Hell" by Michael Maren.