Wednesday, January 13, 2010

Partisan Radio

The other night I was driving home from class and flipped through stations on AM radio. For a few minutes I listened to a conservative show (I think it was Shawn Hannity), and later I listened to a liberal show. It was really quite comical. Both sides were fully convinced that their opponents were equal parts ignorant and evil. At one point a more sensible and moderate caller got on and said something along the lines of , "I don't think [insert party name here] took this position just because they are evil and hate America. They probably have a reason for their position." At which point the commentator started backpedaling and claiming nonpartisanship.

Here are a few points: First, don't get all of your news from just once source, whether it be Fox News, NPR, CNN or the Wall Street Journal. Second, understand that partisan radio shows are not news. They are entertainment and/or propaganda machines. Third, try to allow room for the idea that your political opponents are not evil incarnate who hate everyone and everything while you and your political affiliates are God's gift to the world and will set everything right. Fourth, read the Economist to get an idea of what depth of research and commentary actually looks like from a news source.

Thank you and God bless America.


Kaylan said...

Wow, that was a really great answer. I fully agree about your suggestion in getting news from different sources. I consider myself a moral conservative but my homepage is set to CNN (we all know is quite liberal). I check the news but then read more conservative e-letters when I have the time.


Paula said...

I am sooo with you. I'm so sick of this kind of stuff.