Saturday, September 02, 2006

A Discussion of Truth

There are certain times when all the proverbial planets and stars all seem to align: I just noticed on article regarding C.S. Lewis written by Dallas Willard. "Que heavenly sound effect here."

His argument gets a bit over my head at times, but it is a very worthwhile read if we are to be legitimate and eloquent spokesmen in defense of truth in our postmodern age.

Oh, and Renovation of the Heart, The Divine Conspiracy and Hearing God are much more readable than this article, but you can tell they are grounded in this depth of philosophical thought.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I have debated with people who do not believe there is a real truth out there. Very frustrating to debate with. It's basically like trying to argue with someone who's going LALALALALALAAAAAAAA! I CAN'T HEAR YOU! NOT LIISTENING!