Saturday, December 02, 2006


If I hear one more commercial of Santa or his elves pitching products or traditional carols parodied to become an advertisement I think I am going to lose my mind. This is almost as bad as all the political ads for the election.

Has anyone else heard the old song "Green Chri$tma$" by Stan Freberg?


Paula said...

Preach it, Steve! Preach it! Commercialized carols are almost as bad as Justin Timberlake! I hate you, Justin Timberlake!!!

Anonymous said...

I would happily pay the price of no Christmas at all to stop all of the insane commercialism. When there's Christmas stuff being advertised before Thanksgiving, it's gone too far.

Anonymous said...

CRASS: Yes. We've got Santa a little more rugged, too. Both sleeves rolled up and a tattoo on each arm. One of 'em says "Merry Christmas."
SCROOGE: What does the other one say?
CRASS: "Less tar!"


Anonymous said...

Have you officially lost your mind yet?!

Steve Lamp said...

I've been listening to a lot of CD's. So far, so good.