Thursday, January 17, 2008

The Real And The Ideal

So at work I have been part of a small group discussion on the book Primal Leadership. The last couple weeks we have been talking about creating pictures of the "ideal self" and the "real self." You then must map out where the two are overlapping (which is a good thing) and where there are gaps (which is a bad thing). You are also to create a picture of who and where you want to be in 15 years.

Although setting goals has always been part of my life, I am having a lot of trouble with this assignment. I am finding it difficult to create this picture of my ideal self from a clean slate. Is there like a multiple choice survey I can take for that or something? One of my points of reluctance is that I am going to create this picture and perhaps reshape myself to that over time only to find in 15 years that I should have been something different. Also, I feel like I could be content with several different conflicting or even mutually exclusive scenarios of the future.

Granted, "My times are in His hands" but that does not negate our duties to plan, prepare and pursue whatever ends God has put on our hearts. I'm just having trouble sorting this out right now. One exercise they mention is to create a list of things you want to do before you die, but even on this point I am having far more trouble than I have had in the past. Maybe I can find one of my old lists and go off of that.

Has anyone else gone through an exercise of creating a picture of their "ideal self"? I have to admit it sounded a little hokie at first, but after further examination it's really not as bad as it first appears.


David Hynes said...

Christ is the ideal.

Anonymous said...

Perhaps the struggle in stating "ideal" and "life check list" is that it is felt to be an unchanging ideal. Instead of thinking "ideal" as in "perfection", what about "ideal as I think it looks like today" knowing that in a year or 5, it may be different with a different method of getting to it.

David said...

Christianity and a relationship with God through Christ is the method.