Saturday, March 14, 2009


So I was driving home last night and I noticed this bumper sticker:

Evolution is just a theory,
. . . kind of like gravity!

Um, gravity is a law not a theory. I guess there is some argument around the precise meanings of theory and law and the difference between them and whether or not they represent a hierarchy. If those in the field of science could clarify and help me understand the difference better I would appreciate it.

But this still seems like an odd thing to put on a bumper sticker. And really, can we stop shouting at each other and claiming "the other side", whichever it may be on any given argument, are all stupid with bumper stickers? They tend to aggravate and annoy rather than inform and persuade.


Paula said...

This is off your topic a bit, but I really am disenchanted by the anti-intellectual attitude our society has developed.

I think we voted Bush in the second time because people wanted to have a beer with him (and because Kerry kind of sucked).

I think the Republican party would gain a lot more steam if they would stop being so "Joe the Plumber" and start saying things like, "It is ok to be smart." You should be smart. We want a president who is more intelligent than we are. Who is the smartest guy we have? Let's go with him. If you could get someone intelligent talking about Pro-Life or energy as opposed to Sarah Palin, I think those positions would gain a lot more respect. I'd like to see that. I truly would like to see an intelligent dialogue rather than the redneck spouting craziness we have now, at least in the south.

David Hynes said...

You can't expect people without a relationship with God to treat you decently. It's not in their nature.

Christians have to be the example- many are not doing it.

Stupidity is, sadly, a quality that the church has spiritualized to a great degree.