Monday, July 31, 2006

It Might Be Easier Than We Think

Erin's response to my last posting was the final motivation for something that has been floating around in the back of my mind. What are some practical ways to move from good intentions to good deeds? Here are seven steps that can all be done in a day and for less than $100:

  1. Make a $25 donation to the U.S. Committee for Unicef. Doing so will provide emergency health supplies to cover the basic health needs of more than 100 children for three months. (see links on right of blog)
  2. Spend a day with Habitat for Humanity. Trust me, you don't have to be a skilled laborer to be involved.
  3. Recycle. Either go to Wal-Mart or Target and buy a large plastic bin to collect all of your glass, plastic, aluminum, paper, etc. and then take it to a local recycling bin, or sign-up for curbside recycling. It only costs $6 a month.
  4. Go carbon neutral. You don't have to be a tree-hugger or vote for Al Gore to get behind the concept. (Also see:
  5. Register to vote.
  6. Advocate. Call or e-mail your representative when an important issue comes up.
  7. Pray. "Apart from Me, you can do nothing." Pray for others for one hour this week.(That's .005 of all time available to you in one week.)

There are still some steps on here that I need to take. I think I'll go work on that now.

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