Thursday, January 10, 2008

Kerry Snides Running Mate

I was a little surprised to read that John Kerry overlooked his own former running mate to endorse Barack Obama. Such a man of unwavering conviction and loyalty, that Kerry fellow. Maybe if Edwards wins the nomination, Kerry can say he voted for Edwards before he voted against against him. Flip-Flop. Does this make a difference at all, or is Kerry completely irrelevant even to his own party at this point? Or maybe he thought this was the candidate most likely to appoint him to a cabinet position or as a running mate?


Matt & Bri said...

I was hoping he would endorse Clinton so she would go down in the polls. Guess she isn't as dumb as I thought.

Paula said...

I am so angry about that my head is about to spin around.

Kerry fails to understand that Obama will never win. John is the only candidate who can carry enough of the south to win. I do expect him to win South Carolina next week.

I also think I've decided that McCain is my Republican of choice. Despite any of his shortcomings, I think McCain genuinely is a good man and it's been far too long since we had a good man in office.

Huck is ok, but his jokes about hunting have been a huge turn off for me.

Clinton isn't going to win. Trust me, South Carolina is not going to vote for her. My only concern is that Obama may beat Edwards there because he brought South Carolina Oprah, but I still think John can take him.