Thursday, May 03, 2007

On the eve of my birthday

Tomorrow I turn 29 years old. I haven't had as much time to reflect on this yet as I would like, but I have had a few musings. First, I tried to recall any goals I had set for my 20's that I might need to frantically try to reach, but nothing pressing came to mind. I suppose that's a good thing (or else I just set the bar really low). One question that came to mind is, if my life were to end tomorrow, what would my legacy be? How would my obituary read or what would be said at my memorial service? How would I be remembered? Have I made any meaningful, lasting contributions in my life?

I think I have changed quite a bit in my 20's. As Winter Banquet pictures would attest, I'm not quite the same scrawny, awkward, depressed kid I once was, but there's still ample room for growth. I have to thank all of my friends who are reading this now for the impact they have made on my life. You have been essential in God's hands for my sanctification.

God has given me some really amazing opportunities. Not every country bumpkin born in the little podunk town of Pennsboro, WV has been so blessed. I have to thank my parents for their all around awesomeness and the sacrifices they made so that I could be where I am today. I have been so fortunate to go to Cedarville, then UD, for my start at PFPC and now my work at Chatham. I have gone on missions trips to Jamaica and Indonesia. How many people at age 29 have a job they love, an amazing church home, a supportive family and friends that mean the world to me? I've just been so blessed.


BeckyP said...

Happy Birthday, Steve! You rock our world! We're so happy to be a part of it.

Erin said...

Happy Birthday! That reminds me... I turn 29 a month from Sunday, and I still don't have that novel written...

Eugene said...

Happy Birthday Steve! I am on the verge of getting out of my twenties in a few weeks. Scary thought! Anyway I hope you treat yourself to whatever you enjoy doing the most on this special day.

Anonymous said...

I'm proud to have been present, even if only in a few chapters, brother.

Anonymous said...

Happy Birthday a few days late Steve!!! You are a transformed man and it's so cool to really see how God has and continues to work in your life!