Saturday, August 23, 2008

It's 3 AM, And You've Just Received A Text Message

So, what is worse? Actually picking Joe Biden as your running mate, or waiting way to long to formally announce it, have it leak to the press, and then rushing to text all of your supporters, who were supposed to know first, and waking people up on the east coast at 3 AM? Brilliant.

On the other hand, I wonder if McCain even knows how to text message.

Anyway, the Economist has an interesting article on the challenges Obama faces, and the steps he needs to take noting that he is slipping in the polls.

It will be interesting to see if Clinton's supporters finally fall in line behind their party's pick after the convention. It's hard to imagine that they are going to swoon over someone like Joe Biden. (Of course, it's unlikely but never impossible that she would try some sort of commando tactic and leave the convention as the nominee.)

If the Democrats remain divided they will lose the presidency. Were that to happen, after Iraq, Katrina and an economic crisis, they might well want to consider an alternative line of work.

1 comment:

Paula said...

Dude, I just don't care anymore. I'm so mad that John Edwards is a mad whore that I'm disenchanted with it all. Is it really that hard to find a candidate who is capable of fidelity?