Tuesday, February 05, 2008


I voted today. I have to admit, I find it thrilling. For all of the rancor and stench of politics, there is still something glorious about our process of government. I feel so humbled and grateful that I get to vote in free elections. Say all you want about money, power and corruption, for that one moment when you press "Vote" you wield all the power in the free world.

I remember having a British gentleman as an instructor for my American history course in college. I have never gotten over how he marvelled at this aspect of our country. Where else in history has the most powerful person in the world peacefully left his position every four or eight years based on the will of the people? I mean, it really is marvelous. Whoever wins, there will be no threat of coups or violent riots. I don't have to worry that a military dictator will assume power or refuse to relinquish it.

It's a beautiful thing this liberty of ours.


Anonymous said...

couldn't agree more.

why don't people vote...

a girl told me, a few weeks ago, that she would be more than happy to go back to the time when women had only one responsibility: taking care of her family....no voting, no driving, no working...


David Hynes said...

Yes. It is so true. We also have a two party system, which makes making the decision easy ;p !

Matt & Bri said...

Good for you Steve. I wish I could have voted in a primary and not a Caucus.

Steve Lamp said...

Courtney, was her name Debbie Maken?

Mei-Ling said...

Ow. I got that reference.

Paula said...

Dare I ask who you voted for . . . ?

Anonymous said...

Delaware doesn't allow independents to vote in primaries which is a bummer or I would. Two valid arguements on that issue.

Matt, did you actually participate? Did you have to run around a gym with a pack of undecideds when Ron Paul didn't come out on top?

I got the reference too. I think the original responses were more than thorough. Perhaps it is time to leave it alone now.

Joe W.

David Hynes said...

You just did.