Tuesday, October 31, 2006

Putting Together My Cabinet

So I just spent some time trying to read up on the various candidates. This only added to my previously posted frustration. I have now firmly decided that I will write myself in for the US House of Representatives for Delaware. Given voter turnout for non-presidential elections, I figure that one vote alone puts me in the running.

I also figure I could probably put together a pretty decent staff. I have some really talented friends:

Economic advisor - Aaron M.
Press secretary - Becky M.
Education secretary - Sara E.
Legal counsel - Paula Y.
Social issues advisor - Jesse B.
Urban development advisor - Joseph W.
Criminal justice advisor - Laura C.
Defense secretary - Jeff A.
Secret Service - David H.
Environmental Protection advisor - Angela W.
Speech Writer - Erin R.

Are you in the Lamp Camp?

Let Lamp Light the Way!

I am Steve Lamp and I approve this message.

Monday, October 30, 2006

Crime Rankings

It looks like baseball isn't the only thing Detroit is second to St. Louis in. Though maybe that's not such a bad thing in this case.

Friday, October 27, 2006

Fully Prepared To Throw Away My Vote

Two years ago I nearly voted for the Constitutional Party candidate for President. It wasn't until I was in the booth that I finally made up my mind. Today, I am even more disgusted with both political parties than I was in 2004. Neither one seems to have a compelling and realistic vision for the future that represents my core values and beliefs. If ever there was a time for an independent candidate to step up, this would be it. Just show me someone with an actual platform and strategy and not just soundbytes that slam the other party. I'm sure that's too much to ask though.

I am quite tempted to go in and simply vote against every incumbant. I think we need a complete overhaul. I want to be the kind of voter that gives people like Karl Rove and James Carville ulcers. If nothing else, I am definitely going against party lines and voting against Mike Castle as our Representative. I'm still ticked at the Democrats for killing social security reform though so maybe I'll just write myself in on the ticket. One of my high school dreams was to one day become a US Senator. It's times like these that I think I should actually try to do it.

Wednesday, October 25, 2006

Clarification on Conpsiracy Posting

It seems I may have erred or at least miscommunicated in my previous comments about oil. First, I don't want to seem as though I am attempting to protect or support "big oil." Creighton pointed out a good article from the NY Times about a legal loophole that the oil companies are grossly exploiting. They are certainly not innocent little angels. Also, it is definitely true that they influence the price of oil and gasoline. Again, it's all about supply and demand curves. They (and OPEC and Russia and China and Joe Shmoe producer who has an old oil well on his property) all contribute to the overall global supply of crude. My intention was to counter some liberal blogs and anyone who might catch wind of their theories and explain that I don't believe they (big oil companies and politicians) single-handedly have control over the global market price of oil and they are now lowering it to their advantage just before the election.

At the risk of stirring up more controversy, it should be noted that alternative fuels are also highly subsidized. In addition, I find it ironic that the federal government is giving tax credits for the purchase of hybrid automobiles even though the market is dominated by foreign car manufacturers. So, one could look at it as though our government is subsidizing the profits of Toyota and Honda. (And before I receive 100 comments on how that's simply Detroit's fault, it is worth noting that GM is ahead of its foreign rivals in its production of E85 automobiles and is also close to a clean-diesel platform not to mention their billion dollar bet on hydrogen.)

Tuesday, October 24, 2006

Almost There

Well, I now have a working phone line and I received the components for my DSL, but I am still waiting for someone at Verizon to flip the switch and activate my service. (I'm writing this on my lunch break.) I don't really understand how that works and how it can take several weeks for something latently available in a telecommunications system to be tested and activated.

It reminds me of a commercial I saw years ago for an auto parts store. A guy drops off his car at the mechanic's shop and rides by it day after day on the bus wondering when it will be repaired. After a couple calls asking when it will be ready, the mechanic replies "I've got my best guys on it right now." The camera pans outside and three large guys are literally sitting or lying on the car eating their lunch.

It's Not a Conspiracy

So at lunch on Sunday there was some discussion that the recently lower gas prices were a result of a vast right wing conspiracy led by President Bush and Vice President Cheney. I tried to explain how the price of oil and gasoline are set primarily by market supply and demand and how recent supply and demand factors converged to result in a new, lower market price. To provide additional support for my argument, I would encourage everyone to read the following articles.

(By the way, I find it ironic that many Bush opponents who accuse him of inventing this comprehensive, effective conspiracy to lower gas prices are also some of the same people who think he's not very smart. It's sounds like it would take a genius to pull that off to me.)

Wednesday, October 18, 2006

Getting Closer

So, as the technical saga continues, I ended up switching to Verizon since apparently that was the only way I could also get DSL. It's more expensive and has less features than Cavalier, but I am lost without the DSL connection. My phone service got up and running last night which I am excited about, but my DSL is not scheduled to be up until early November. I'm hoping it will end up being earlier than that.

I am enjoying settling into my new place. I even received a plant from a co-worker yesterday which is very cool, and I ordered a beta fish tank that Becky referenced in her blog. (I've long wanted to have a pet that I could name "Sturgo." I still have to hang all of my pictures/art on the wall, and my fouton is only partially re-assembled. I will be happy when it's all finished. I'm hoping it will be a comfortable, cozy yet distinctively manly confine when all is complete.

Tuesday, October 10, 2006

Technical Hiatus

Well, for the time being I do not have phone or DSL service at home. Hence the lack in blog postings of late. In fact, it could be close to a month by the time I am finally up and running again.

To explain, a few weeks ago after I signed the lease on my new apartment I called to get phone service (with Cavalier). Then, my apartment community said my apartment would not be ready in time and I would have to pick another one. By then, my phone order was already in process and could not be changed until service was established. But, apparently it takes 10-15 business days for that change to occur (I can't even imagine why). And, I called Verizon to get DSL (since Cavalier doesn't offer it at my location), but they can't get me signed up until I have a functioning phone line. Add to that the time it takes for the DSL modem and such to be delivered. Grrrr. Unlimited technology from the ends of the universe and I can't even get a phone to work.

Okay, so I am at the library now typing this and need to leave for small group. Take care and I'll try to post as much as I can in the days and weeks ahead. Maybe by then I'll have something worth reading.

Tuesday, October 03, 2006


I think I will add a new featurette to my blog: Bumper Sticker of the Day. I have mixed emotions about bumper stickers. I would never put one on my car and yet I am drawn to read those of others. I saw one at Wal-Mart the other day that kind of made me do a double-take:

"God doesn't believe in atheists."

Sunday, October 01, 2006

Tidbits from Slidell

I want to say thank you for everyone who lifted up a prayer for us this past week as we worked in Slidell, LA. I feel that we worked with great effort and effectiveness and were able to make an impact in the time that we had. It wasn't a life-changing experience or anything, just a few days of tough, grimy work.

Favorite Experience: Gutting out a house over two days
Least Favorite Experience: Fighting a sinus infection throughout the week and missing a day of work with the team

All the Chatham folks were amazing. Such a tremendous group of hard workers and team players. It was great to enjoy that connection with them outside of the office. I feel so blessed to have had this opportunity. There's still a lot of work to do. For more information, please see http://www.restonbible.org/katrina/chronicle/