Tuesday, October 31, 2006

Putting Together My Cabinet

So I just spent some time trying to read up on the various candidates. This only added to my previously posted frustration. I have now firmly decided that I will write myself in for the US House of Representatives for Delaware. Given voter turnout for non-presidential elections, I figure that one vote alone puts me in the running.

I also figure I could probably put together a pretty decent staff. I have some really talented friends:

Economic advisor - Aaron M.
Press secretary - Becky M.
Education secretary - Sara E.
Legal counsel - Paula Y.
Social issues advisor - Jesse B.
Urban development advisor - Joseph W.
Criminal justice advisor - Laura C.
Defense secretary - Jeff A.
Secret Service - David H.
Environmental Protection advisor - Angela W.
Speech Writer - Erin R.

Are you in the Lamp Camp?

Let Lamp Light the Way!

I am Steve Lamp and I approve this message.


Anonymous said...

Lead on oh Lamp! Can I be considered for the Environmental Care Dept.? I'd vote for you - so that's 2 in DE for your total thus far....

Joe said...

How do you write someone in?? I'll do it. I wasn't planning on voting for Castle or his oponent anyway. Might as well take the opportunity to vote for someone I respect; might be the only chance I get.

Maybe this will be the start of that revolution that David was talking about. (Did someone say there's a wall that needs rebuilding??)

Thanks for the appointment!!

Anonymous said...

I'll write you in. I'm dead serious. I really cannot stand either party at the moment.

If you get elected, I become a SS member and get an official license to kill, right?

Anonymous said...

Not that I wouldn't abuse it, or anything.

"Let Lamp light the way"

heh. I like it.

Erin said...

Not that I don't totally love my job, but is there any room in your staff for me? Can I be your speech writer or something? I can put a good spin on ANY story!

Anonymous said...

Technically, my title would be "Attorney General." Which, by the way, I would be AWESOME at. I guess that's only if you become President, but you'd probably be better than Bush. I would hope that you would never say "Our troops are plenty smart!"

Lamp Camp!!!! (I feel like the Pink Power Ranger when I say that.)

Anonymous said...

Or, we could vote for Christine O'Donnel. Apparently, she is a popular conservative Christian write-in at the moment. Jen Grayson sent an email about it.

Steve Lamp said...

I believe Ms. O'Donnell is running for the US Senate. I am "running" for the US House of Represtatives. So know we have a legitimate reason to ask how to write in someone. And, I'll have someone to work with on Capitol Hill. This just keeps getting better.

BeckyP said...

Thanks for including us on the team! Team Lamp Rocks!!

Joe said...

See the handy link below for how to write in a candidate.


See this other link for info on the Christian lady that's running as a write in for senate (how awesome would that be if Carper were defeated!!) One of those things that could totally happen but probably won't because people don't think that one vote counts. I'll vote for both of you Steve (mind you, the FBI and CIA probably open files on anyone who appears as a write in candidate in any election . . . . but don't worry too much about that . . . you have a campaign to run)


Anonymous said...

I don't think I'll be voting, actually. I have a hell of a lot of work to do, and the Tuesday off I get from school is the perfect time, while people are away voting for their respective Democrat/Republican side of the isle.