Friday, June 15, 2007

Cleveland Sports Futility

Well, the Cleveland Cavaliers lost to the San Antonia Spurs in the NBA Finals last night. If you're keeping score at home, it is now 59 years since a sports franchise from Cleveland has won a championship. Let's recap:

Cleveland Cavaliers: 0 NBA Championships
Cleveland Browns: 0 Super Bowl victories. (Heck, we've never even made it to the Super Bowl)
Cleveland Indians: 2 World Series victories but none since 1948. (Stinkin' Jose Mesa)

So all you Philadelphia fans who whine about not winning a championship since the early '80's can just zip it.


Quebecca said...

If the Red Sox can win the World Series, you may hold onto hope that Cleveland teams will eventually win *some* kind of a title.

As for me, I can now "die in peace."

Steve Lamp said...

A judge was overseeing a custody battle and asked the child which parent she would like to live with. "I don't want to live with either parent, sir. They both beat me." Concerned, the judge asked, "Is there anyone you would like to live with?" "Yes, sir" the girl replied, "I'd like to live with the Cleveland Indians. They can't beat anybody."

Fact For The Day: The Cleveland Indians are the only team in history to lose a Word Series when leading Game 7 in the bottom of the 9th inning.