Monday, June 11, 2007

Running Mates?

I wonder, if Clinton were to win the Democratic primary, what are the chances she would choose Obama as her running mate? Granted, it's really too early to think about running mates when it's too early to even be worrying about the elections at all, but it would seem to have strong advantages to each of them. She would gain the charm and charisma, a strong Midwest representation, the early and firm stance against Iraq, and the overall sense of freshness and optimism that he offers while he would gain the experience he is lacking by serving as a VP.


Paula said...

She isn't going to get it and even if she does she won't pick Obama. EDWARDS! EDWARDS! EDWARDS!

Anonymous said...

What advantage does he gain besides getting to hang out with Bill occasionally?


Anonymous said...

Dude . . . . when did you turn on the comment moderator feature??


Anonymous said...

Oh, never mind. Just read the post about comment moderation.

David got out of line again, huh?
