Thursday, November 29, 2007

Happy Birthday Clive

Today is the birth date of one of my great heroes of the faith, C.S. Lewis. So many of his books have had such a profound impact on my mind, heart and life. I am truly thankful for his life and work.

I believe in Christianity as I believe that the sun has risen: not only because I see it, but because by it I see everything else. - C.S. Lewis


Cassie said...

I didn't realize the anniversary of his birth was so close to the anniversary of his death...

David Hynes said...

Clive is an awesome guy. First of all, he's got a great name. Like one of those names you like to say loud and dragged out when you meet him on the street- "Cliiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiive, how you doin', man!?" It's one of those names where it's great if you know someone with it but wouldn't be a great name if you were the person yourself.

Second, in addition to having a great first name, he has a crazy awesome middle name. I mean, I didn't even know Staples was a NAME until I heard about this guy. CS Lewis is so awesome he can be named after random office supplies and it doesn't even matter. I mean, I'm tempted to name my kid "Ralph Inkjet Hynes", but the only reason I don't is because I know that only Clive could make such a middle name so cool, and my kid just couldn't live up to the standard.

The next reason CS Lewis was a great man was all the things he did while he lived in terms of his writing. When I read his stuff, it seems to me that he is some crazy mix of father, chum, grandfather, teacher and counselor all in one. And when I say chum, I don't mean "a big hunk of ragged horse meat used to bait great white sharks in the pacific for Shark Week on the Discovery Channel". I mean like "a pal who's older than you and gives good advice".

I've been reading "The Four Loves" and love it...I guess in an Affectionate way.