Friday, November 23, 2007

Hold On, I Need to Stop and Shovel

Well, I managed to stagger through chapter two of "Getting Serious About Getting Married". Before I go further, I think I need to stop and shovel out some of the crap that has been building up around me. I am teetering on a point where it is no longer infuriating but simply laughable.

  • Okay, the whole Genesis 1 thing where "it is not good for man to be alone." I just want to point out that "not good" is not the same as wrong, bad or immoral. It was not in any way a moral defect as she goes on to describe singleness to be.
  • "Without someone to work for, work is just a hollow exercise." No it isn't. Work is something of intrinsic value and provides purpose and meaning regardless of marital status. And I'm pretty sure there's something in the Bible about doing all things for the glory of God and doing your work heartily as for the Lord and not unto men.
  • "The money we earn from work shouldn't be spent on self-centered consumerism or by people we don't even know. God designed work as a way for us to make an inheritance for our children." I'm sorry. I guess I should tell the children who are being fed by my UNICEF contributions and my Compassion child that my money belongs to MY FAMILY and God never meant for the fruit of my labors to be shared generously and sacrificially to strangers in need.
  • "The reason singleness is disappointing, lets us down, and leaves us wanting more is because singleness isn't what God intended." That totally explains why married people are never disappointed, let down and left wanting more.
  • "Singleness is unnatural." What, like Swamp-Thing and zombies?
  • "I don't know about you, but for me, being single just got worse and worse." And maybe you're just a whiny ---- nevermind.
  • "We want the fruit of our labors to benefit our own families as God intended." Again, God never intended the fruit of our labors to benefit other people, just ourselves. Spending all your money on yourself when you're single is abhorrent. But spending all your money on your own family when you're married is God's will for you.
  • "Being single without meeting the necessary criteria set out in Matthew 19 [including my own narrow interpretation of "for the kingdom"] is just as unbiblical as sexual activity outside marriage." No. It isn't. Not by a long shot.
  • "Matthew 19 teaches it is okay to be unhappy about being single." That's right folks. Your outward circumstances and situations are allowed to completely control your attitude and character. If things aren't the way you want them to be, then clearly that's not the way God intended them to be, and you don't have to like it one bit. Besides, men love it when women grumble, whine and complain about being single. It's irresistibly attractive and seductive.
  • "Of course, if you're a single woman but are not called to singleness, it's usually not your fault." That's right. You shouldn't have to take personal responsibility for this at all. It's much easier to just blame men.


Snoyarc said...

You make me want to go right out and get a copy of this book... you know that right?

Seriously, I'm not a fan of being single, but I'm content being loved by God and don't "need" a man to be complete because God completes me. There is a large difference between the things this book seems to be saying and how God wants us to view healthy relationships. Most people will indeed long to have that special someone in their life to live, love and work beside, but it doesn't mean there is anything wrong with being single either. It took me 32 years & finally putting my faith in Christ for me to say that, but I finally believe it.

Hugs & Love

Mei-Ling said...

Is this by the same chick that said that single women shouldn't buy houses because it scares the men-folk off?

Steve Lamp said...

I'm not sure. If I'm able to finish reading it I'll let you know if she says that.