Monday, August 28, 2006


So, I weighed myself on the scales at the YMCA after my workout tonight. I then plugged that number and my height into a BMI calculator on the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention website and discovered that I am overweight. Unbelievable. I must be the scrawniest overweight person in America.


Jeff the Baptist said...

Didn't you know that BMI is a load of BS? While a low BMI generally means you are under weight, a high BMI either means you are in good shape (because muscle weighs more than fat) or too fat.

Anonymous said...

Dont worry about it. It must be one of those big, beefy arms weighin ya down.

Anonymous said...

How could you possibly be overweight? Seriously, the BMI numbers are good tools, but that's about it, beyond it, they don't mean anything.