Sunday, August 20, 2006


Is there anything more frustrating than not being able to get to sleep? I was so looking forward to getting a good night's rest and for the life of me I can't get to sleep even though I'm tired and sleepy. I don't mean to complain as I totally recognize this is no one's fault but my own. Any home remedies out there that don't include pharmaceutical products?


Anonymous said...

Slamming your head against the wall until you knock yourself out.
Drinking wine puts some people to sleep.
Reading C.S.Lewis... Just kidding! Just kidding! I see that "look" you're giving me!

Joe said...

Most people, when they are trying to fall asleep, lie there with there eyes closed. I've read before (and have had occaisional success with this idea) that you should try to keep your eyes open.

I'm not sure how/why this is supposed to work, but if you've ever experienced trying to stay awake before (you know, like when that 'anonymous' roommate of ours is telling a story), your eye lids get heavy. It works sort of the same way.