Sunday, August 19, 2007

Don't Miss The Wonders That Surround You

Saturday was a beautiful day. The weather was as close to perfection as you could get so I sat outside for a fair portion of the day and read. I then had a late lunch with Jake and Rita at 5 Guys, and we went over to Hagley Museum. I had no idea there was so much to see at Hagley. The grounds are beautiful and the history of industry is fascinating. I strongly recommend visiting it if you have not yet done so. $1 Saturdays is an awesome promotion; that may be the best single dollar I have spent all year.


Anonymous said...

That is awesome! It is a very cool place. I'm not just biased cuz I work there either! Glad you liked it! You have to come back in Spring - it's beautiful with spring blooms in the trees and bulbs and native flowers - very cool!

Unknown said...

I recommended Hagley to David as a cool date idea...would you agree?

Steve Lamp said...

Yeah, that could work.