Monday, September 24, 2007

Beautiful Paradox

Live as free men.

Live as servants of God.

I was reading through 1 Peter (2:16) this morning and was struck again by that beautiful paradox. Freedom and service. Liberty with responsibility.

It's a good nugget to chew on today.


Snoyarc said...

When I read this it reminded me of the paradox that opened The Freedom of the Christian by Martin Luther:

"A Christian is a perfectly free lord of all, subject to none."
"A Christian is a perfectly dutiful servant of all, subject to all."

What I find the most amazing is that because I am now free I want to be a servant of God so it doesn't feel as though it is a burden when others bring their troubles to me.

Hugs & Love

David said...

We use our freedom to choose to become servants. It is perhaps an ironic choice, but not a paradoxical one.

Steve Lamp said...

Sorry, to clarify, by paradoxical I meant "a statement or proposition that seems self-contradictory or absurd but in reality expresses a possible truth" rather than " self-contradictory and false proposition".