Wednesday, October 03, 2007


Okay, I need to get this in before games start:

Phillies over Rockies
Diamondbacks over Cubs

Indians over Yankees
Red Sox over Angels

then . . .

Phillies over Diamondbacks
Indians over Red Sox

then . . .

Indians over Phillies


Quebecca said...

You made a mistake. It's:

Red Sox over Indians

BTW, do you realize the Indians' farm team is in Indianapolis and they have the best AAA ballpark in the US?

David Hynes said...

Haha. The Phillies lost. Your prediction is wrong. You forgot the Philadelphia Sports Law equation.

Amount of Philadelphia Fan Exuberance times .00001 is how quickly their team will lose their chance at the big time.

Did you see how happy they were when they made the playoffs? Clearly they were not going to make it to the championship, according the the PSL equation.

Steve Lamp said...

Hey 3 out of 4 ain't bad. I know, I forgot the cardinal rule. Never start a land war in Asia, and never bet on a Philadelphia team to win.